
Our b&b is located at:

6 km from Parco Natura Viva e Acquardens (con possibilità di biglietti scontati).

13 km from Garda Lake, with the incredible amusement parks Gardaland, CanevaMovieland,

15 km from Verona city 9 km from the Freeway of Sommacampagna ( A4 Milano-Venezia)

5 km from the Freeway Verona nord (A22 Modena-Brennero)

12 km from the airport Aeroporto di Verona Valerio Catullo

1 km from the bicycle path going from Germany to Italy

1 km from the bus stop for the lakes and parks

0,5 km from the bus stop for Verona city

10 km from Valpolicella.